I met a guy the other day--no, not like that.
But I did meet a guy at a workshop for Science & Math teachers and after a few minutes of conversation we realized that we had babies about the same age--his was actually a little older. He asked the classic question, "Is you baby sleeping through the night?" I said yes and he seemed a little frustrated. Before I poured on him my infinite wealth of knowledge (ha ha) I asked how is baby was fed.
He hemhawed around a little (did I mention my mom was from southern Indiana?) and I thought to myself, "Oh, okay, the baby is breastfed and he's trying to figure out a way to say that without actually using the word "breast." I can understand that, I wouldn't want to say it to some girl I just met if I was him either." But he didn't. He almost seemed ashamed as he admitted that his baby was bottle fed.
Why the shame?? Why the guilt?? Why can't we just admit that it didn't work out for us?? In all honesty, this man was one of the most confident teachers I've ever met. He had a beautiful wife and adorable kids--why would such a great family be so embarrassed to admit that they bottle feed?? I'm just so tried of formula feeding being looked at as second best. Or worse-as failure.
Sidebar--did you know that after about 6 months of breastfeeding, most babies need an iron supplement?? Hmmm....
To quote the shopgirl from "You've Got Mail," I don't really want an answer. I'm just sending this cosmic question out into the void. So goodnight, dear void.
Let me know what you're thinking.
Time flies
12 years ago