Where have we been? Well.....
1) Amber (Matt's sister) got married
2) We had 6 snow days
3) Bailey had a birthday
3) We got a puppy
4) We were busy every weekend from the end of January to the beginning of April. Seriously, coffee houses, baby showers, weddings, fake-store parties, birthdays, (yes, all of those are plural), you name it, we've done it in the last 2 months. Well, except sleep.
So there wasn't a lot of this going on. Also, Matt got a hair cut.
And this doesn't really explain the lack of posting so much as it's an excuse for the lack of posting. Also, Bailey doesn't really take a bottle in the same way anymore, and I'm not sure what that means for this site. I still like the idea of "Tips on Tuesday" and I'm still happy to talk about bottles at any time, but my ba-ba days are coming to a close :(
Anyway, I'm still here--I haven't really figured out how to type a blog, be a full time working mom, and do all the other things I want to do (garden, make jewelry, date my husband, cook, etc), but if you stay with me, I'll get there :)
Points of interest from the last few months:
Our stove broke. We're considering not replacing it.
We found a local farm that sells organic beef, pork, chicken, fruits & veggies.
Matt took over paying the electric & gas bills.
Matt now turns off lights when he leaves a room and wants to sleep downstairs when it's hot.
Bailey is not talking.
Jackson has fallen in love with baseball.
We gave up on cage-training our puppy.
Matt is experimenting with leading worship at churches that are not our home church.
LOST is back!
Bailey's hair is long enough for real pigtails.
We're starting to slightly question where we live.
I've decided to work 8 days this summer. It's going to be rough :)
My school year got pushed back into June.
We still haven't found a pre-school for Jack.
I'm not totally sold on the idea of pre-school for 3 year-olds.
Sue came to visit us as a surprise. It was awesome.
I re-connected with an old friend. Also awesome.
We're planting a garden.
By we, I mean me.
Matt built me a box for our garden.
Bailey is the grossest kid ever.
Bailey will eat anything, including leaf spinach & raw zucchini.
I hid all the Easter candy so that I would stop eating it.
As a result, no one is eating Easter candy.
Jack will eat nothing but hot dogs.
Jack dances the hot dog dance more often than he eats hot dogs.
I may or may not have had a Dove truffle egg for breakfast.
I'm off today because my sitter has a sick kid. So far, we've been to the "special" park, had lunch together, and now the kids are down for a nap. I try NOT to take joy in other people's hardships, but this is shaping up to be one fantastic day. Feel better, Jonah!
Time flies
12 years ago