Actually...........NO. I'm just that cheap, folks.
Making you own baby food is really not that hard, time consuming, or messy. And the savings, both in your wallet, and on the environment are significant. That's right, folks, I'm a closet environmentalist. Yeah, I use disposable diapers, but I try to reduce, reuse and recycle as much as I possibly can. More on that later, maybe.
I actually have no idea about the nutritional aspect of making your own baby food--I mean, I know what's in the fruits & veggies I'm feeding my babies, obviously, but I've never taken the time to figure out how it compares to the stuff in jars. I will say this, though, I was given a jar and I noticed that it doesn't expire until November...of 2011. What could possibly be in there that would keep it from expiring until my daughter was 2 1/2 years old???? I really recommend Jessica Seinfeld's (yup, THAT Seinfeld) book "Deceptively Delicious." It has tons of great recipes, and breaks down all the nutritional information for fruits and vegetables into kid-friendly portions.
Before we get started on the recipes and HOW I actually do this, you need to start with all the right equipment. I was fortunate in that I already had everything I needed to start making my own baby food except for the little "jars" I use. This post is getting kind of long, so I've decided to break it up into several posts. Sooooooooooo........... coming over the next couple of weeks you'll find the following posts:
In my next post, you'll find out all about the equipment I use to make my own baby food.
We'll get started with bananas and some "recipes" I use in the post after that.
How do I do it all? You'll find out!
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