Friday, November 6, 2009

Making your own baby food--Getting Started

Simplicity. Isn't that a wonderful word??

I would have never imagined that the word "simplicity" would come into my life in such a major way AFTER I had kids. Kids DO make things more complicated, but simplifying your life is imperative after having children. So, don't do what I do. I've been making my own baby food for almost 2 years--but I didn't start all at once, I started small. I started with bananas.

Just like the "Fly" Lady says, let's get this done fast so we can get back to loving on our babies!
Get out your blender.
Peal 3-4 bananas. Add a little water.
Puree until creamy.
Pour into containers. Screw on lids.
Stick in the freezer.
Wash the blender.

That's it. You're done. You just made your own baby food. How long did that take? My guess is 10 minutes, tops. How much did it cost? I'm betting less than $2.00. How much did you get? Probably about 7 days worth. Quick. Easy. Cost-effective. Environmentally friendly. Simple.

To serve, just stick in the microwave for a minute or so (You know your microwave, I know mine. Let's make smart choices here, ladies), stir it up good--remember those "hot spots" and serve to baby.
If all you ever make is bananas for your baby, I still think it's worth the time for the money saved. BUT there's much more, and it's really not that hard, I promise.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for all the good info. i will definitely be making my own baby food. :) the picture of bailey is adorable!! she loves her food :)
