When I was (early) pregnant with Jackson I was sure he was a girl--my brother said he was a boy, and I'll never live that down, I'm sure. I was wrong and Jackson isn't just a boy, he's all boy, and has been since day one.
Turns out, this was a good thing for me. I was good at dressing him--he always looked adorable. I quickly learned to dress him in all blue-all the time-and, for the most part, he wore onesies for the first 5 months of his life (it was a warm fall).
I quickly learned that dressing a boy isn't easy. There is about a 1:5 ratio of boy-to-girl clothes in most stores. Weed through the stuff my husband would kill me if I put on him, take out baby gansta clothes and the pickins were slim. Diligence paid off, though, and was soon dressing my little Jack like a pro. The following photos are some examples of how good I was at dressing my son:
I got my girl the second time around and I was all set for ribbons and bows and pink, pink, pink. As it turns out, I was much better at having (or at least dressing) my boy. Her first "dress up" occassion (the symphony with Mommy & Nana) I brought the dress and the panties, but no shoes and no bow. I managed to forget the camera, too. Whoops. I don't think my mother's entirely forgiven me. I've also been known to bring her to church with her teeny panty hose slithering down her weensie legs. How do you make those things stay on???
Needless to say, my Tip for Tuesday, obviously, is one I got from someone else. Michelle Wallace, to be exact. Thanks, Michelle, for all the adorable clothes you've given Bailey and for helping this hopeless mama learn to dress her baby girl.
First, put on the diaper--please, don't forget the diaper!
Second, the pantyhose. Or tights. Whatever they're called.
Third, and this is the important part--the onesie.
It'll add to the modesty and/or warmth factor, too.
Fourth, the little panties. These just slay me every time--too cute!
Feel free to garnish with bows & accessories.