Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tips on Tuesday--Toy Cycle

My friend, Molly's house always looks amazing. The last time I was there (which was waaaaay too long ago, Molly) I looked around and thought "Why can't my house look like this?"

I'll tell you why: Molly's house isn't full of a bunch of crap.
Nice work, Molly.

My house, however, is, at times, full of a bunch of crap. Way too many toys, way too much laundry, way too much paper.....I'm getting away from myself, we're here to talk about toys.

Jack & Bailey have very generous parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, great-grandparents, adopted grandparents, second-cousins-once-removed, friends....you get the idea. They also have more toys than 10 kids could play with in during the average baby/childhood.
Now, some people would say, just get rid of extra toys that you don't want/need. But honestly, how could I do that? How could I choose between the doll Matt & I got Bailey for Christmas and the one her grandmother got her?? How could I make Jack choose between the sorting set he bought with his very own allowance money when he was all of 9 months old and the wooden one his Popsy bought him special for his first birthday?? I can't--maybe you can. Good for you!

So I invented the "toy cycle" or, rather, my mother invented it 20-some-odd years ago. Anyway, I gave each toy a partner--a toy of a similar use, purpose and approximate size--and put half of the "partners" away.

So, what I have gained is:
1) Space in my cabinets
2) "Brand new" toys that I can get out (trade out) on a rainy or snowy day
3) The ability to hang on to--and use--some of these generous gifts

There's something precious about a child's toys--and if you don't believe me, then YOU watch Toy Story (1, 2 or 3) and try not to cry!

P.S. For the record, I have been eying the "baby" toys and making a mental list of ones we're officially ready to pass on to another family. See, I'm not all sentimental!!


  1. Thanks Carrie!! Aaron doesnt seem to appreciate my organizing skills :) Its so fun to see Silas's face after getting a "new toy" out of storage. Its definitely a good way to keep the house not looking like a toy store! Although, its pretty easy for me to just get rid of things as we no longer need them- I guess thats the clutter control freak in me :)

  2. I think I have too much storage--it's easy to just say, "We'll put it in the basement"

  3. yeah, we have such a tiny house the attic is the only real place for storage and its a pain to get in and out of!

  4. You told me that idea a couple of weeks ago and I have yet to get around to doing it! I just got ride of a few last wkend and it doesn't even look like I did! But the kids sure do enjoy "Getting them out"!

  5. oops, I said ride instead of rid....
