Tuesday, July 21, 2009

"I Love You" Massage

We've been talking a lot lately about constipation--a lovely topic, I know! I promised to share with you what I call "The Jean Bryant I Love You" massage. This massage is another great, natural way to get things "moving." It can be especially helpful if you're out and about and don't have any other supplies with you.

Start by laying the baby down on a soft surface in front of you. On the bottom-right side of her tummy, lightly massage your way up to her ribs, kind of like making an upper case "I."

Then, starting back down at the bottom-right side of her tummy, massage up to her ribs, then across the top of her tummy, kind of like making a side-ways "L."

Next, start back down at the bottom right side of her tummy, make the "L" again, but this time, continue to lightly massage down to the bottom-left side of her tummy, kind of like making an up-side-down "U."

Get it? "I" "L" "U"
I Love You.
I thought it was clever. It makes it easy to remember.

Jean is our wonderful friend who also happens to work as an RN in the maternity ward at our hospital. She suggested this massage when Jack was "backed up" way back on "day 4" of his life. This, along with taking his little legs and making them "run" (just be easy, though) is a great, natural way to help babies who are too young for apple juice. A little water never hurts to try, either :)

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