Friday, July 24, 2009

Thomas Paine

Take a look at this article from Medline Plus.

This article really made me think. It suggested that because there aren't a lot resources out there for bottle feeding moms (true) so women turn to friends and family for advice (awesome) and sometimes get bad/wrong advice that can be harmful to babies (yikes).

I try to be careful about being too bossy here. I try to encourage readers to talk to their doctors and use their best judgment. But more than anything, I think readers should use common sense.

So here's a little common sense:

1) Measure your baby's formula right. Really read that can the first time you use it and make sure that you're mixing correctly. Not doing so can result in your compromising your baby's nutrition.

2) Don't prop your baby's bottle. Hold your baby when you feed her. Just because you can prop the bottle up on a pillow doesn't mean you ever should.

3) Don't put cereal in your baby's bottle. There are dozens of reasons why not to, but the two biggest are that it's a choking hazard and that it teaches the baby to eat more at a time than she needs.

4) Never put your baby's bottle in the microwave. EVER.

5) All formula is regulated by the same FDA. Generic brands will save you a bundle and your baby won't know the difference.

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